Prompt #1: Create an innovative new product, service, or way to advertise that extends the value of your brand

1 min readApr 27, 2021


With the rise of cryptocurrency, stocks and NFTs, investing has never been such a hot topic. In addition, the Reddit/Gamestop movement is proof of what’s possible when individuals band together to fight for a worthy cause. So now that the world is talking about stocks, how can Wildaid leverage that traffic into donations towards climate change and the conservation of endangered species?

Idea: Endangered Economics

This category all sounds the same, it’s time to meet consumers where they’re really at. Since the world is buzzing about all things stock related, we want to reintroduce a market that’s often overlooked and needs your help. The market to save endangered species.

Innovative Idea: Non-Fungible Species

The definition of non-fungible is to be unique and irreplaceable. This is exactly what all endangered keystone species are to their environments. Once they’re gone, there’s no coming back. And as a result, it leaves a hole within their ecosystem that can’t be filled by any other species.

So to further shed light on this issue, WildAid created the Non-Fungible Species. With every donation received, a species of your choice is added into our virtual ecosystem. Once the species cap is met, the ecosystem will be auctioned off with all the proceeds going to support WildAids ongoing efforts.

